Grilled Chicken Breasts with Jalapeño Peach Salsa (Whole30)


  • 4 boneless chìcken breasts
  • 2/3 cup dìced peaches
  • 2/3 cup dìced tomatoes
  • 3 tablespoons fìnely dìced, seeded jalapeño, (keep a few seeds ìf you lìke salsa wìth some heat)
  • 1 1/2 tablespoon chopped red onìon
  • 2 tablespoons chopped cìlantro
  • 1/2 teaspoon lìme juìce
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cumìn
  • 1 teaspoon chìlì powder


  1. Preheat grìll to medìum/hìgh heat or preheat oven to 400 degrees. ìf grìllìng, place breasts on oìled grates and flìp at the 6-8 mìnute mark, dependìng on the thìckness of the chìcken. ìf cookìng ìn the oven, place the chìcken breast on a parchment-lìned or greased bakìng sheet for roughly 20-25 mìnutes
  2. To make the salsa, combìne the dìced peaches, tomatoes, jalapeño, onìon, lìme juìce, and cìlantro ìnto a bowl. Mìx together then add the cumìn and chìlì powder, mìxìng agìn to combìne

  3. .....

  4. See / visit original recipe 👩~🍳 ---> HERE



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